Ifyou love country music and if you are serious about learning the artof playing guitars, you definitely need to start with an acousticguitar.
An acoustic guitar can be use to genres like bluegrass, jazz,blues, country, and folk. An acoustic guitar can be played without anamplifier. Made of fine wood like spruce, maple and mahogany, thetone of the wood is what defines a guitar and sets it apart. Thewood from these trees are more resonant than the others and guitarsmakers refer to them as �tone woods�. The bracings inside theinstruments vary from maker to maker. These bracings determine thequality of the tone.
Thequality of an acoustic guitar can be tested in the following way.Hold a lit match in front of the sound hole and tap the top of theguitar. If the tap on the top of the guitar produces enough air toextinguish the match stick, the guitar is well made and is likely toproduce a good tone.
Thereare various designs and types of acoustic guitars.
FlatTop: Thisis a very popular kind of guitar. It has a flat back. The tones ofthese guitars depend on the method used to manufacture them.
Classical:Aclassical guitar shares some of the features of a flat top guitar.These guitars have wider finger boards. As these guitars do notsupport steel strings nylon strings are used.
Bass:This type of guitars is similar to flat top guitars but they producedeeper sounds.
Archtop:Thistype of guitar has a curved top with a flat or rounded back. Thecurved shape of the top increases the amplitude of the sound wavesby excluding the standing sound waves that are formed inside thebody of the guitar. This increase the volume of sound produced bythe acoustic guitars.
Thevariations in acousticguitarsare in terms of shape, size, tuning and the number of strings. Youcan choose from acoustic guitars with 12 or 6 strings, child sizeguitars for your kids etc. Value packages that include all thedifferent accessories in one kit are available in markets. There aremany well known brands to opt for. You can also shop through theinternet and some websites allow you to browse through models so thatyou can choose the right guitar according to your personalpreferences.

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